Jun 16, 2011


My sister is currently on a roadtip in the USA and mailed me these two photos from Florida:

She installed a mini-Girdafi that I made the evening before her journey.
OMG, in freaking Miami Downtown!!
Exactly here:

Wow! I'm so excited! Not only that it's the first Girdafi outside of Europe, it's also the first one where I, the creator, wasn't even around while its installation. This is a very exciting point of the project I think. Now there isn't a single person in the world who has attended or seen all taggings in real life. The message is about to become independent from the head and hands that formed it - and I will support this development with my next step: Turning the Girdafi pattern open-source, so every knitter in the world can recreate it and make the message even stronger!

Jun 11, 2011

International Yarn Bombing Day

This is a bit Girdafi off-topic but June 11th is a big day for knitters and yarn bombers all over the world: International Yarn Bombing Day. YAY!

A huge numbre of gorgeous projects by awesome fibre artists will be installed. I already saw a couple nice pieces:
Unfortunately, as my hand still hurts, I couldn't prepare any knitting nor crocheting - but it would be too sad to spend Yarn Bominb Day without any yarnbombing. Therefor I planned some wool wrapping and threading on a basketball court nearby, a "Freigeist":

I got great help by my dear friends Carla and Heimo. Thank you soooooo much, guys!
Yup, I'm proud!
If you're in Vienna and want to visit the "Freigeist", it's located on the basketball court's fence on Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel crossing Schönbrunner Straße.

Jun 5, 2011

Gaddafi's Revenge: Tenosynovitis

After 3 months of consistent knitting I'm forced to take a break. My hand hurts of tenosynovitis. Probably some voodoo revenge act by Gaddafi. But I won't give up! As soon as my hand is fine again, I'll continue the Girdafi knitting. This summer will be full of crazy tagging!!

But keep visiting the blog in the meantime! I'll work out some free patterns for you to use to knit your own Girdafis and install them for the big mission wherever you are. 

Talk to you soon!