May 2, 2011

Two May Day Girdafis

First of May, the day after Gaddafi's youngest son and three of his grand children died. While the rebels were performing celebration dances, I wasn't glad at all. My aunt once lost her son due to an act of terrorism. Now Gaddafi lost his son in a war. The calculation of an eye for an eye just doesn't work out. You never can measure violence with violence.

So that's why I installed a little flower granny square on a tree in the huge Prater forests. In silent memory of all victims of violence and war.

Or well, maybe it wasn't that silent there today because a bunch of nature loving people organised a Tanz durch den Tag party. DJs, techno music, mojitos, tightrobe walkers and some fellow yarnbombers!

First of May, holiday and Labour Day, traditionally celebrated by Social Democrats in Austria. One of the most renowned Social Democratic politicians was Bruno Kreisky - but besides all his achievements his not so splendid connection to Gaddafi should not be forgotten.

Reason enough to seize May Day for adding a kaffiyeh-style scarf to his statue in a park here in Vienna.

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